Monday, May 11, 2009

Spring Clean-Up

This past weekend was landscape renovation time. It's not quite done yet, but with the help of my husband it will get done. It was a project that I came up with on my own, and thought I could finish on my own, but I was so very very wrong. Silly me did not realize how difficult it would be to take up a few yards of sod -- I started out Saturday morning all gung-ho and ready to spend the day digging up sod, but in reality I lasted an hour. And then I took a 2 hour break before going back out for another hour. And all I got accomplished was digging a hole for the fire pit!

Jason helped me out yesterday and we got a lot more done. It's about 1/2 way done, but in the coming week we'll get it finished and it will look really nice. I think.

I really hate that this circle isn't perfectly round, but I was too tired to keep fussing with it. It will have to do!